Sunday, March 22, 2020

Power Relations and Children

There is no questions that each family dynamic is different and unique in it's own way. Some families were run where the father had the absolute final say, dictator-like. Some families, the mother may have worn the pants. In some families, the children may rule the household.
In an ideal household, both the father and the mother are equal when it comes to power in the home. I'd just like to note that I am very aware that under certain circumstances, this is not possible. I know many families who are run by a single parent, grandparent, or an unhealthy father-mother relationship. Single parents and grandparents who step in and act as guardians and parent for children have a lot of respect in my eyes and I don't want to disregard them at all. They are doing their best. 
The Lord has said that children have the right to be reared by both a father and a mother who are married. Research has shown that children thrive when they have both parents in the home as opposed to a single parent. Kids with only one parent have been shown to suffer academically, emotionally, socially, and in almost every area of their life. Their odds of becoming delinquent are raised too. 
When parenting, parents should not dictate. They shouldn't be domineering, abusive. Home should be a center of love and understanding, where children feel safe and secure. As parents we have a responsibility to make that for our children. 
Brother Miller gives us four things concerning hierarchy, power and control in families and how to avoid conflicts;
1. Parents are the leaders in the family
2. Parent’s must be united in leadership:
3. The parent-child hierarchy dissolves when children become adults.
4. The marital relationship should be a partnership.
I believe that as we come to learn about our role in our family, more peace will reside in our home and families can become closer. 

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